Sunday, November 11, 2012

Call For Miles | Week 6


Wow! Week 6. How was your week? I had a pretty good week but I discovered on a long walk yesterday that the blisters I got in August doing Portland to Coast have not yet healed and my feet hurt today. I guess I need some mole skin…has anyone ever used it?

I would really like to post here more than once a week but the days seem to be getting away from me. Please email me ( if you would like to guest post. You can tell us about your favorite work out, a favorite recipe, why you work out, etc.

Let me know your miles in the comments and go get ‘em this week!


  1. Isn't it funny how when you've had a bad week, you don't want to report?

    I had one mile last week and got 9 this week! I'm much happier about that number. I'm planning to make it much more frequent.

    Also, that quote is so fantastic. Maybe my favorite one you've posted. I love it.

  2. 26 for me. another threat quote! Thanks Amanda!

  3. I accidentally posted on week 6 instead, but I have 34 miles for the past few weeks!
