Saturday, March 30, 2013

Round 4 | Final Call For Miles

Round 4 should end tomorrow but with tomorrow being Easter, I thought I would put the call up today.

First, however, something is not right with Blogger the last few days and I can’t update the list of people and their miles. This is what I have for everyone (as of the last call for miles):

Ali 32/100

Amanda D 55/100

Cheryl 31/100

Darilyn 71/100

Heather H. 6/100

Kara 92/100

Melody 220/225

Michelle R. 129/100

Stacy 53/300

Timber 86/100

We lost more people along the way this time…probably a combination of things – weather, the day of the week the call comes, etc.

Round 5 is looking promising though so stay tuned!


Here we are at the final call for miles for Round 4.

Thank you to those of you that stuck with it to the end! I know you have worked hard, and it is exciting to see you reach your goal.

I reeaaallly struggled this round. I’m looking forward to good outdoor work out weather.

Let me know how many miles you got this week (be sure to include Sundays!) in the comments.

Happy Easter! See you Monday for the start of Round 5!


  1. Sorry I've been so bad about posting my miles, I will try to be better round 5, but probably not until after the end of April! My total miles for the 3 months are: Jan 67, Feb 93, Mar 109. Short on my goal. My goal for round 5 is 300 again.

  2. I got 4 this last week. I'll end this round with 90 miles. 10 short of my goal, but pretty good all things considered!
