Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Call for Miles | Week 6


A day late again! Sorry, folks.

We had influenza at our house last week and it has kicked my butt. Trying to get the house & groceries & kids caught up after a solid week of sickness has left me unorganized and exhausted.

How was your week?

My sister sent me this picture. I love it. Too often, I look at other people doing amazing things and I don’t think about the path that got them there. I don’t think about the struggles that they fought through. My mind makes me think that they decided they wanted to this and bam! they were there.

Frequently, for me, I take a couple steps back for each one I take forward – especially when it comes to fitness. The key is not giving up and remembering that success really takes a squiggly path.

Leave me a comment with your numbers for last week. Remind your friends that maybe haven’t commented in awhile.


  1. 12 miles for me. Still battling bronchitis, but just jogged 4 miles tonight. Perhaps my lungs are doing better :)

  2. My house must look just like yours. Zero unless you can count every 15 min of housework I did since even that felt like a workout accomplishing it. Dad & I were both down for the count, luckily kiddo didn't get sick... but he sure did get lots of opportunities for service. I'm finally feeling human so making it to H20 aerobics tomorrow is my goal to get back moving. Hope your recovery takes you back on track soon too!

  3. 9 for me! I'm still getting over bronchitis, but feeling better every day! (well, less sick at least! Still feeling more and more ginormously pregnant every day lol!)
