Sunday, August 4, 2013

Round 6 | Week 5

Gordon B. Hinckley is a religious leader so he probably didn’t say this in reference to exercise, but I believe that the same can be said for exercise. As long as you are trying, you have succeeded.

How was your week? Did you set any goals? Do you have any goals for the following week?

We’re headed out of town for a few days and I am packing up my workout clothes and my goal is to get out and move.

Leave a comment with your mileage for the week. Good luck!


  1. 0 miles for the week, but I havent quit trying!!! My goal for the week is 15 miles.

  2. I did 3. Not the best week for me, but I am back on track this week!

  3. I had a good week- 30 miles. Can't wait to see you, Amanda!
