Monday, January 14, 2013

Call for Miles | Week 2

it's workin


Today (Monday) is the last day of week 2. How did it go for you? I got to my boot camp class three times, but my-oh-my, I am having a hard time motivating myself to do anything the other four days of the week. It’s cold, gray, and rainy here which makes me want to snuggle up on the couch and watch reruns of Roseanne.

Let me know in the comments how your week was and how many miles you have. It’s not too late for anyone to join in, so if you have anyone you think might be interested, send them this way!

I saw this on Facebook this week and thought I would share because it made me laugh:


And, I’m pretty sure it’s true. I feel like a rock star when I am doing plank, but I’m sure I look more like the bottom picture. ;)


  1. Sickness abounded: 1 whole mile. :/

  2. 14 for me!!! Had to make a comeback after the big fat zero last week :)

    Let me tell you though--That first day when we went walking after having over a week of laziness, on the first mile into the walk when we hit the big hill by our house I was seriously *SO* wiped out and discouraged and I look at my husband and whined something to the effect of, "How am I going to do this for another 18 weeks?! I can barely walk now and I'm not even to the last trimester!!!" and he said, "All you gotta do is put one foot in front of the other. You can do this!"

    So that's my mantra now, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I can do this!

  3. Forgot to report last week, but I only had 2 on week 1. This week I've been doing some Kinect dance since it's been raining and freezing many days. So I've got 6 with that for this week. (Although the heavy breathing I'm doing makes it feel harder than 6 miles of walk/run would). Can't wait to get outside again.

  4. It was a rough week for me. We got the plague....aka the flu. I got 13 miles in though.

  5. 0! The flu is killing me.

    1. Sorry Amanda, that was me, Michelle. I am too stupid to handle this. :)
