Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Fitness Goals

I can hardly believe that 2013 is already upon us. I swear that the school year just started. 

I am definitely a lists girl and I spend a lot of time making list of things that I want to do and improve on so I am all over resolutions come January. It helps that my birthday is in June so I can reevaluate then and see how I am coming. 

A lot of people poke fun at New Year's Resolutions and you hear a lot of jokes about people failing on January 2 and giving up. I don't make resolutions like this. I make a goal for myself and I work on it. Sometimes it is easier than other times, but I don't give up on it just because I had a bad day. I keep trying

With the new year, and a new challenge starting, I am thinking about what I want to do this year fitness wise. 

I've come up with a few and thought that I would share. I would love to hear what your goals for the 2013 year are as well. 

1) Beat my time in the 6.7 mile walk my town does each May. I have done this walk every year since we moved to Oregon. It's a beautiful course and I love it. It challenges me though. 6.7 miles is far (I don't know how people walk [much less run] 13.1 or 26.2 miles) and I have to be preparing to be ready for it. My time in 2012 was 1 hour 40 minutes. I think I can beat that.

2) I want to run a 5k. And I want to run the whole thing. To do this I need to find one that is on a Saturday and isn't too far away. And I need to start running.

3) This year will be my fifth year doing the Portland to Coast relay. Last year, I was in probably the best shape of all four years. I had two legs to do and the first, I felt like I did a good job. The second one was long and hard and I want to do it again, but do it better. I want to not feel like dying at the end of it. 

One reason I love this challenge is that it gets me to go a little farther and it keeps me moving because I know I have to report. I am excited to head towards my goals and be with you as you head to yours. 

So, share with us. What are you 2013 Fitness Goals?

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