Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Challenge!

No More ExcusesHappy 2014!

Are you ready to start another challenge?

A few things to keep in mind:

Our weeks start on Wednesday {today!} and end on Tuesday. Find a way to track your miles that works for you. Some people use Daily Mile, some people use good ol’ pen & paper, some people use an app on their phone. Find what works for you and stick with it.

Check the blog on Tuesday so you can report your miles. If you are worried you wont remember, feel free to subscribe via email. It will email you any posts on the evening they go up. It’s over there -----> on the sidebar.


  • No rounding up! Push yourself and go just a bit farther. If you walk 3.25 miles, it counts as 3 miles.
  • 1 mile walking or running = 1 mile.
  • 15 minutes of yoga, biking, swimming, weights = 1 mile.

Will you do me a favor?

Will you tell me about your fitness goals for 2014? Leave a comment and let me know. We’ll be able to encourage each other if we know what your goal is. If you are going to work on something specific for this challenge, let me know that too. If you are going for something other than 100 miles, please leave a comment telling me that too.

For 2014, I want to run (jog) a 5k. I’ve never been a runner, but I feel like there might be a runner hiding inside of me and I am determined to find her. I will also be participating in the Portland to Coast Relay in August. It’s 130-ish mile relay walk from Portland, OR to Seaside, OR and every person on the team walks about 10-12 miles. I want to do 13-minute miles for my legs.

For this challenge, I want to get back to walking 5 miles in 1 hour and 15 minutes with out it feeling too hard. I’ve been too lazy the last month and a half so it might take some time. After that, I plan to add some jogging in and then some speed work for walking.

Most of all: Have fun with this challenge!


  1. Weird....I left a comment but now it's gone. hmm... Does this one show up?

  2. OK, so I guess it was just the first comment that got eaten. What I said was,

    My goal this year is to walk 500 miles! I printed up a huge map of New Mexico. It is exactly 500 miles from our house to Four Corners, so I'm going to track my miles on that map as I incrementally walk to Four Corners this year! My goal for this first quarter is 125 miles.

    1. I love this idea! Can't wait to see your progress. Good luck!

    2. I love this idea! Can't wait to see your progress. Good luck!

  3. Amanda- there is definitely a runner in you! just start slow so you don't get injured or burn out. I love Timber's goal- what a great motivational tool!

    Here's my fitness goal for the first half of this year: each week get a minimum of 20 miles, do 1 day a week of speed work (as long as the roads aren't icy), and hike to the top of Mt. Nebo this summer. I know this challenge is only 3 months, and my goal is a 6 month one, but hey! so it goes. I want my mileage goal for this round to be 250, not 300.


    1. My goals will take more than 3 months as well. These months will be steps to achieving. :)

      We have two Stacy S's this time. We'll have to go Stacy St, and Stacy Se. Hopefully that won't be too confusing.
