Saturday, July 14, 2012

Call for Miles | Week 2

Today (Saturday) is the end of week 2. How did it go? Let me know in the comments.

Also, if you know anyone that wanted to participate but hasn’t reported, will you remind them? It seems like we didn’t get many comments last week.

And! If you know anyone that wants to start: it’s not too late! Feel free to join in!


  1. My total for last week was 21, and 24 for this week :) thanks

  2. I had to recount a few times because I couldn't believe it...15!!

  3. I don't usually look forward to the end of summer, but this year I am. I need the structure of fall and a school routine and less running around and more running. All that to say, I'm still here, I'm still at it but the last two weeks have afforded me 0 miles. This week will be better - more time for me, I think!

    (Oh, this is Heather H!)

  4. Haha- I didn't do that much this week. Here are the stats 12 miles. Next week I am going for 20 miles.

  5. Love the cartoon! I had 28 Last week. Thanks Amanda (Stacy)
