Saturday, July 28, 2012

Call for Miles | Week 4


Today is the last day of week 4. How did your week go? Mine got off to a rocky start, but I finished okay. I have grand plans for next week so I’m remembering this quote too:

Yesterday you said tomorrow.

Any of you have a “mantra” that inspires you to keep going?

Let me know your miles in the comments.

Good luck this week!


  1. eah so I'm dropping out. I can't do it right now. I'll catch the next one--if you keep doing it.

  2. 34 for me (Stacy). I have lots of mantras in mt arsenle to call on, but 2 of my favorites are "pain is temporary, pride is forever" and "you can throw in the towel or use it to wipe the sweat".

  3. 13 for me.

    I don't know that I have any real mantras. I just tell myself to keep going!

  4. 12 for me this week -a little low, but we moved, so I'm glad to have something to show. I'm exploring the trail system by our new house and I suspect I will never get tired of running/walking next to the lake! Next week I have high hopes for 20!

    I don't really have a mantra, but l saw a quote that said something to the effect of: even if you're not the fastest, you're still lapping everyone on the couch. That sticks w/ me when I want to be the one on the couch!

    (Heather H.)

  5. I haven't left my miles in a few weeks. What I haven't reported adds up to 13 miles. Stupid broken foot is throwing off my game!

  6. 11 for me. This week is going better than last though! It's always hard when you take time off and move to get back in the swing and I moved to GA and it's very HOT and HUMID!!!!
