Saturday, May 26, 2012

Call for Miles | Week 8

{source}  -  This poster made me laugh…it works for us walkers too.

Today (Saturday) is the last day of week 8. How was your week? How are you doing on your goal? We have five weeks left. Do you need to readjust your goal?

Leave a comment with your miles. As always, please check my math – it’s not my strong point!

Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend! Make sure you clip a pedometer on before you take that hike! See you next week!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Call for Miles | Week 7

Ah! I totally forgot about putting up a call for miles yesterday. Sorry! (I don’t even have an excuse – we had a nice relaxing day with little on the schedule!)

Go ahead and leave a comment telling me your miles for week 7 – which ended yesterday (Saturday).

This is for my running friends:


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Call for Miles | Week 6


First of all, congrats to Melody who completed her first 5k last week!  That’s awesome!

And, congrats go to Ruth as well – she ran a 6.7 mile race last Saturday, and took first place in her age group. You rock!

How did this week go? Did you get the miles you hoped for?

I was WAY too busy this week (must learn to say NO), but with walking the kids to school I managed to get in some good mileage.

Leave a comment and let me know your miles.

And this week?  Don’t believe that voice!  Good luck!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Call for Miles | Week 5



Hey, everyone!

It’s the last day of week 5. How did you do this week?

I had a good week – a couple of things factored in that. One is that May if Oregon Walk, Bike and Roll to School month so the kids have been eager to earn points for their classes by walking. Going back and forth two times a day gives me two miles! The second is that today was a race that I’ve done four times now – it’s a 6.7 mile course that winds through my little town. It’s a beautiful course. We go past six (I think) waterfalls. I wasn’t able to beat my time from last year but I was pretty close and I’m not sore tonight so I’m feeling pretty good about it.

Leave a comment telling me your miles for the week!