Saturday, April 28, 2012

Call for Miles | Week 4

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Wow!  Today is the end of four weeks! How is it going? How was your week? 

Mine was busy (again) and it shows in my miles (again). My husband was out of town for four days and the kids had a million things going on. How do you make sure to get your miles in when life gets busy?

Leave a comment to let me know how many miles you got this week! Also, if you have any friends playing along, remind them if they haven’t commented in awhile. (Also – please double check that I am doing the math correctly.)


  1. Hey! I had 12 miles this week.

    To answer your question, the only way I get the miles in is by going out early. That means I have to go to bed early, but it's worth

  2. I did 11 this week. I'm pretty happy! Plus I've lost 2 1/2 pounds in the last couple weeks so yay!

    To answer your question I have just been trying to fit it in wherever I can--doing Just Dance and taking my daughter to and from school.

  3. Pretty excited to report this one: 41 MILES!!!!

    Yes I had a GOOD week!! What do I do to get more miles in? I get up earlier. My husband has to get up super early for work so this week instead of rolling over and going back to bed, I got up and worked out earlier and did more! Plus, getting up earlier, I actually had more energy throughout the day so give the early early hours of the day a try!

  4. 8 , which I was really proud of with the crazy this week. Trying to g even the bare minimum in next week, too, with my sister in town.

    I agree with whoever said getting it done first thing in the morning is th only way to make sure I get it done.

  5. 6 miles for Heather S.

    Does this ever happen to you? You set a rock-star goal to exercise... and then you get sick. I think it happens to me every time. It's either Satan being a booger so I'll be a chub forever. Or it's a trial I must endure so I'll be stronger. Or my body isn't healthy enough to handle the extra stress of exercising.

    So - in the end. I might not get to 100 at the end of 3 months... but, oh, I'll get there... someday. I'll keep a going - slow as I might be. Maybe I'm like the tortoise and will be awesome in the end.

  6. So happy to report I did 15!!!

    I've started getting up and going with my girls (they ate 9 and 11). It's actually been FUN. Hooray!

  7. This is Stacy. I had 40 miles this week, which isn't quite as impressive as I'd like it to be since last weekend my long run was on Sunday and this weekend it was on Saturday- so this was 2 long runs in one reporting cycle.

    I agree with everyone who said getting up early is key- at least when you have kids at home.

    Heather- just stick to exercising- it will help you battle the sickness in the long run. I get sick so much less since I started running. And I think I get better faster if I get my workouts in, even if I'm sick (obviously not if I'm bed ridden or something, but other than that).

    Great Job everyone!

  8. I'm right there with Heather S...The whole month of April has been one thing after another (mostly root canals & other dental pain!) but I'm still playing along. :)
    Hence, I offer up my measly 3 miles this week.

  9. I met my goal of 20 miles this week, Yahoo! I would like to change my mileage goal to 200 for now. I haven't set down and calculated it out, but I figure that will be ok for right now. Troutdale Trot this week and goal is 22 miles.

  10. checking in for two weeks: 41 miles total

    two long hikes and of 'beach potato' time on vacation : )
    plugging along at my couch to 5k running, on week 4

    3+ months post minor knee surgery, and it still aches between minor running : (
    missed a lot of planned workouts being sick, and travel

    I agree with the early morning time for exercise. It's really the best time for me to be consistent. I think it's great that all are working on their own goals. I really admire those that are better at resting when sick, sleeping when you should, putting family first, etc. (not in that order) Exercise is great, but balance is best. Sometimes I'm better at exercise than balance! I spent 3 months on a couple weaknesses, and the last month backsliding on those. So getting back on track is my goal for May + trying to get in all my planned workouts. I could make a new mileage goal, but working on balance instead. However many miles it ends up being.

  11. 10 this week, getting better. And I've lost 6 lbs (although I did have a little stomach bug Wed/Thurs so hopefully that isn't where it all came from. My son is starting to train for his triathlon next month more, so we're going to get in biking and running every day hopefully. (This is Ali BTW)

  12. Also, you said to check your math and I think because I'm reporting on Monday and not on Saturday like I should be doing, I have 3 miles that didn't get added. They were from the April 21st post. So to sum up:
    5 miles - April 7th
    3 miles - April 14th
    3 miles - April 21st
    8 miles - April 28th
    = 19 miles - Total

    It's not a lot compared to the others, but I'm seriously starting from 0. A real "just started." I'll get to 100. I just know it!

  13. 21 for me, would you change my goal to 300... Thanks!

  14. Heather H. here. Gag. I only got in 7 miles last week. Sometimes the busy-ness just takes over, you know?! Better luck this week. And also, I will email you my spreadsheet this afternoon to pass out!

  15. And also..can you up my challenge miles to 200, please? I put in about half of my hundred in the first month! I need to push it a little bit more, I think! Thanks! (This is Heather H.!)
