Saturday, June 9, 2012

Call for Miles | Week 10


I spent last night on a hard floor next to a shark tank for my daughter’s aquarium field trip. When I got home, it was time to get ready for the final pack meeting of the year for my Cub Scouts. The lack of sleep made me totally forget about doing a call for miles. Sorry for the delay!

First, everyone give a shout-out to Stacy. She completed a marathon today in 4:22.  Way to go!

Now, leave you number for the week and go get ‘em for this week!


  1. This is Stacy- 42 this week. Maybe I'll make my goal if I can manage to walk this week! I'm so sore!

  2. Congrats Stacy! I did 21 this week.

  3. Stacy, YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. Yep, you deserved an all-caps shout out! :)

    13 for me this week.

    Julie A.

  4. i'm a rockstar at a whopping 2 miles this week. rock on!

  5. 2.

    apparently I'm on a feast or famine type thing with this. Ugh.

  6. 8 for me this week. Better than last week, but I'm going to have to do some serious miles to make up my losses!

  7. Heather H. (once again, I'm a week behind!). Week 9 = 4 miles. Week 10 = 17 miles. Busy...busy...and I know that should not be an excuse!!

  8. Congratulations Stacy! Way to go! I am happy to report 27 miles last week. Headed out to run 5 miles this morning. :)

  9. 24 for me, way to go Stacy!

  10. 24 for me, way to go Stacy!

  11. 15.

    Trying to adjust to grudgingly adjust (post dr. appt) to less impact. So MAJOR accomplishment of last two weeks was pool and bike time. wish it were a marathon! Congrats to those who can run many miles, and to those great at balancing other things in life and getting less miles. All are winners!

    OK, two weeks to make 16 mi/week to meet Amanda's goal for me. I'd better get to it!
