Saturday, August 11, 2012

Call for Miles | Week 6


Stacy told me this quote when I asked for mantras a couple of weeks ago and it’s a good one. I have a tendency to throw in the towel too often, but from now on I think I’ll try to wipe the sweat instead.

We’re about half way through round TWO. Can you believe it? I can’t! I think it’s been hard for most of us to get miles in this summer – kids home, family vacations, injuries, heat -- but I am inspired each week when I put out a call and you all reply with your miles. Whether it’s a lot of a little it inspires me to get out a little bit more. So thank you!

Let me know how many miles you got, and then go out there and use a towel!


  1. 12 for me this week. One boot camp class, two long walks and one mile on the beach.

  2. 9 for me.

    Insomnia kicked my butt most of the week. Next week will be better :)

  3. Stacy here- 32. thanks Amanda!

  4. Hey Amanda, I know I'm late to posting...but I've still been keeping track through all the crazyness of moving! During week 6 I did 13. :)
